Women are strong, resilient, and adaptable. But over the past year or so the entire globe has been dismayed by Covid 19 which has had a significant influence on women. Throughout the world, millions of families have been devastated. This epidemic is especially difficult for women who have lost husbands, parents, and family members since they are suffering emotionally while still dealing with the financial crisis and a gender-biased economy. While struggling with painful emotions and loneliness, they must also financially sustain themselves. It is tough for women to begin their careers while still recovering from a terrible event. It is difficult to resume a career for those who have been out of work for a long time and who have never worked to support their family at home. This group is more vulnerable to exploitation and sexual assault. That is why we want a tailored aid program that will help women who have lost their jobs in rebuilding financial security. Shine NGO is striving to empower women who have lost their relationships, parents, or only breadwinners as a result of the Covid epidemic. We want every woman to feel safe and secure & no child to suffer because they have lost their earning parents.
Despite the fact that this epidemic has served as a terrible reminder of our society’s very low regard for women and children. Our goal is to assist any woman who contacts us, regardless of her ability level. We are attempting to assist as many women as possible in resuming their jobs and gaining a clear perspective on their future to be emotionally & economically independent.
As soon as women fill out the form on the website, they will be contacted by a verified volunteer who will learn about their educational qualifications, job experience, preferred location, type of work, and any specific training they require. We have included our phone number in case anyone is unable to complete the form. In the event that a lady has been unable to commute, we will arrange for a pick-up and drop-off service.
Please keep in mind that you are a fighter who is not alone. We implore you not to delay in taking the first step on a thousand-mile quest to contact us. Shine NGO’s entire staff is striving for you to succeed. Just dare to dream, and our experts will identify the ideal fit for your Competencies and connect you with companies, as well as organize any necessary training. Please do not hesitate to join us. Let’s work together to build a community in which all women feel secure, independent, and empowered.