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Youth’s Empowerment

SHINE believe that Every child has a right to DREAM

SHINE Youth empowerment’s proactively reaching under-served, easily neglected, at-risk, urban youth, engage them in empowering activities and ideas, and provide them with resources for success. SHINE specializes in working with youth at greatest need, helping them obtain and retain employment, providing support and life skills training, and encouraging them to continue their education.

In today’s complex world, a world where uncertainty and violence becomes the order of the day, people throughout the world are faced with issues ranging from unemployment, hunger, human trafficking, prostitution, unwanted pregnancies, sexual heal issues and insecurity, young people cannot be expected to grow and thrive by chance alone.

Youth are the future of the world. Across the world, every nation does everything to engage the youth positively and to prepare them to take their community ahead in the global market; no wonder, most entrepreneurial endeavor target this age group. Unfortunately, as much as this is being done, it is still an undeniable fact that young people all over the world are still unable to achieve their potentials because of a system that naturally puts them at a disadvantage. The hardest-hit however are children from the so-called ‘minority groups’ across the society, whether local, national or international.

The Empowerment Group Programming:

- Education, Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, and Employment Programs

- Mentor-ship and Rites of Passage Programs

- Strategic A.R.M.S. Programming – “Augmenting Relationships for Major Success”





Social Services

Daily Living Activities

Financial Management


SHINE Youth Empowerment has grown to staff five people. Its mission is to proactively reach easily-neglected, at-risk, urban youth by connecting them to the ideas and activity of empowerment, and provide them with resources and networks that will help them transition successfully into adulthood. The organization continues to garner local and nationwide recognition for its efforts in helping youth succeed in work and life.
